Think about yourself worthy to be called as IT professional, how do you see yourself 10 years from now, what are your strategies to get there? (at least 3000 words)
"A DREAM without PLAN is a NIGHTMARE!"
These questions bother me so much. It makes me realize what really my goals here in Institute of Computing in which I am enroll in Information Technology course. I was thinking what made me decide taking this field, how did I came up with this decision.
Way back in my fourth year in my high school when everybody was planning to their path in college and busy thinking of what course to choose to their dream career . Also, they were preparing on taking up of entrance exams in different universities. It was the time I really got confuse and baffle with what course to take up. (Wheew! Honestly I had really had the hard time to think at that time.) Before I was left out with my classmates I just took several entrance exams offered by different schools but still I had not make my mind up on what course should I took up. Many of my classmates encourage and recommend me to take entrance exam in University of Southeastern Philippines and chose Information Technology as our course. Fortunately, I got passed with the entrance exam and preceded with an interview with one of faculty staffs. I had remembered that I was asked by my interviewee on what would my future career once I finish my degree and why I had choose IT as my course, I just answered IT is in demand here and abroad (where you can earn dollars, jejeje) and might end up as a call center agent or IT staff/professional (funny, I was not even know what kind of job it is) etc. With the different level I was into I try my best to be here. Luckily, I was one of the lists ready to enroll in Institute of Computing.
I had decided to pursue to stay here at the university and took IT because USEP offer the lowest rate per unit in tuition fee compared to other colleges here in Davao aside from University of Philippines. And being enrolled in one of the State Universities here in Philippines is an achievement to me and it surely made me proud of myself. In my first semester in my college days it was quite fine, I was able to pass the subjects. But in my second semester, I got failed in one of my major subjects and it was my first programming language, Turbo C++. Maybe I was not able to prepare and plan my college which was different to high school. Because the failure I made, I realized if I had to pursue this course that I chose. Instead of giving up, I had given it a second chance if I really belong to an IT world.
I started to appreciate this course when I took the second time in Turbo C++ with one of the best professor of Institute of Computing, she really good in teaching. It fascinated me how coded words create a simple computer program. It enhanced my logical analysis in making simple programs. With this, I made up my mind to continue and pursue this field which I had already started to love and to adopt. I admittedly not really good in this field I chose, but I had to. I did not have any choice. What I have realized is that we can able to learn to love everything, you just need to put effort on it and perseverance, and maybe you might win it in the end if you have determination.
I have been here in this university for five years, I have already invested so much and I think I must finish what I have started. I just merely have to sacrifice and face one and half year of suffer and pains and everything would be paid off. At this point I want to explore more to gain more knowledge. And if I get a hold with my bare hands of my diploma (because I promise to have it!!! Bongga..) I can able to use everything I learned and gained here in my course to my career someday. I might not good but I know I can able to share and to contribute what I have learned here.
One of my possible end point careers after college, it might be to be an IT professional. With this I am still wondering what the roles of this are in the real IT industry. With this I am able to research who is the IT professional for me to be able to visualize my self to be as one.
According to my research below:
Who is the IT professional?
For the purpose of this discourse, the key areas are those that relate to the Attitude, Skill and Knowledge of the IT professional. Interestingly these are the same areas of change that training focuses on. Training seeks to close or fill any gaps that an individual has in these areas. However, it must be noted that simply going for training programs does not make one a true and complete professional.
Are you meeting Expectations
To be a competent IT professional, you must know what the expectations of your colleagues, your industry, your clients and the general public are. Meeting these expectations is what qualifies you to call yourself a professional, and what gives you recognition as a professional.
In today's world the role of the IT professional is crucial. IT has become an essential resource for most organizations. The evolving scenario is one of a growing complexity of computer systems and businesses dependence on them. Qualified and competent IT professionals are needed to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of computers.
The Diverse Nature of IT
Professionals work in areas such as Programming, Engineering, Database Administration, Networking, Web development and E-Commerce.
IT professionals create, operate, maintain and program computers. An IT professional must have the skills and knowledge required to carry out specialized tasks in a recognized field of IT. This is the minimum requirement. But IT skills demand far outstrips supply. Current IT skills shortage worldwide is enormous
With this I am able to know how can able to achieve my aspiration to be an IT professional.
To be worthily called an IT professional I think I must attain the following which I based on my research in which I actually become conscious.
Training and Certification
Lifelong Learning
This aspect is important, it able us to perform well in our chosen field. With the learning from our more than four years in college we are able to gain and to expand the knowledge we already have.
To define what knowledge should acquire to be capable in this field.
Knowledge (intellectual and conceptual) can be acquired through formal education sources such as private training institutions, colleges, institutions of higher learning, as well as E-learning on the Internet. The focus is on the intellectual, i.e. understanding concepts, generating ideas.
Skills however, can be acquired and improved from work experience and practical training. The most effective form of skill building is through practical exercises.
Training and Certification
Training and certification assists in improving skills, increasing knowledge and gaining recognition. Certification exams identify the necessary skills for an individual to perform their job competently and most important, successfully. For example, A+ certifies the competency of service professionals in the computer industry. Anyone who wants an internationally recognized credential as a competent computer service professional can take the A+ examination.
Because Certification is becoming the vogue in the IT industry today, more and more potential and working IT professionals want to get certified. It makes sense. Certification gives an IT professional, a valued credential that is recognized in the IT industry. Not only that, it is a powerful tool for providing job and business opportunities and for meeting challenges on the field. Improved income and enhanced professional credibility are powerful motivators for becoming IT certified.
Does having a popular certification make you a competent and recognized IT professional? Is certification part of your career development plan? If it is, this must be based on a solid understanding of what certification entails and how certification fits into your personal work / career goals.
But as noted earlier, certification is only one way of ensuring you have the required skills and knowledge for IT professionalism. Formal education and Work experience, i.e. practical and relevant work experience, are also essential for IT skill and knowledge achievement.
Lifelong Learning
IT professionals must also address is the issue of currency. Professionals must find ways of staying current on IT and IT related issues. This requires continuous self-development on the part of the IT professional. Simply because you are certified, or you have many years of experience, does not mean you should go to sleep. The IT field is one of the fastest developing fields worldwide. You cannot afford to be outdated or allow your skills to stagnate. You cannot serve your clients or employers well if you only have outdated ideas and information. As an IT professional, you cannot be relevant to your society if you are not current.
Luckily with the digital age, there are many information, and learning opportunities available for serious and career-minded IT professionals. The Internet can be used for education and continuous self-development. Other tools that can be utilized for staying up to date include: books, publications, training, software, etc. But the presence of all these tools is not enough; as a professional you must have the ability and desire to update yourself on a continuous basis. We must never stop learning. This is especially crucial in IT. There must be a readiness and hunger to learn. Yesterday's knowledge may not be able to handle today's opportunities and challenges.
This should acquire and attain by every IT Professionals because this is your attitude towards your work, your client and people around you. This factor can truly make you worthily called an IT Professional, aside from having IT expertise.
However, does having superior IT skills, knowledge and certification make you a true professional? "Administrators and network engineers do not live by Windows 2000 alone. " I have personally come in contact with IT certified individuals who I cannot dare to call professionals. Or what would you call an individual who has no regard for ethics and is ever ready to sacrifice professionalism at the altar of money? As a professional what is your attitude to the public, your work, your colleagues, or your clients?
What is your attitude towards business ethics? In today's fast and slick business environment, how relevant is ethics when you can take the easy way out? Everybody wants to be "fast and smart". To a professional, money is important but it is not everything. Money should not be your master. To maintain this attitude can sometimes be difficult, with the attendant daily pressures. But that is no excuse. If you want to be a true professional that is the price you must pay. IT professionals need to ask themselves: "Am I in IT for quick, short profit or am I in IT for the long distance?" The choice is yours.
----Just think of this paragraph below-----
Is the CCNA certified individual who defrauds his employers an IT professional? What about those who use their skills and knowledge for anti-social and destructive activities? Are they professionals too? The most notorious are hackers and Virus developers. These are highly skilled individuals but what they use those skills for are not in the interest of society. The same goes for IT fraudsters. If you have all certifications in this world and you use your knowledge and skills to steal and destroy you are nothing but a thief.
The right attitude also extends to how you treat your clients or employers. Are you dependable and trustworthy? There are many examples of so-called professionals who talk down to clients, and who cheat their clients or employers.
Is it truly ethical, for example, for a professional to take longer than necessary to perform a job? To say that he/she is sick in order to take a day off for leisure? To fail to report rule violations by a co-worker?
The public expects the IT professional to be socially responsible and disciplined and should be a role model for the youth.
In conclusion, one can state that IT professionalism does not end with getting certified and earning a fat pay. It isn't simply about being a skilled expert. Just as professionalism is about skills and knowledge, it is also about responsibility and duty. It is about using your skills and knowledge in a responsible and humane manner. It is about using your privileged status to bring about positive change in society.
And what ever skills and knowledge we attain, we should use it in a way we can help others.
10 years from now…..
What would I be ten years from now? What would be my status in an IT arena?
At this point of my college, this is the time I really need to do my career planning. I have to take a look ahead and create my future. It isn’t always easy, but it is better that just sitting back and taking whatever comes my way. I know it is not too late for me to do it. With this, doing some assessment in require for me to be able to know what I really want and desire in my life. Ten years from now I always dream to be one of in the field of IT professions.
Career self-assessment requires to you ask and answer questions that relate to your career and life expectations. You must know who you are. Period! How can you know what you want if you don’t know who you are? What makes you tick? Know yourself – what is your passion? You must ask yourself the questions: What sort of working life do you want? What type of work or activity makes you happy? What are your career goals? What are your ambitions, personal or lifestyle preferences?
In terms of career satisfaction what is important to you? It is essentially about the direction you want your life to go. What matters? What is your purpose? Your love of IT is not enough. You should have a big picture. What is your purpose? What is your vision? Where are you going? Not where is everybody going? George Bernard Shaw had this say “Some men see things as they are and ask why. Others dream things that never were and ask why not.” What is your WHY?
Generally, the areas you should consider are: Nature of work, Work interests, Recognition, Security, Income (Salary and benefits), Personal / Family life, Opportunities for growth and Responsibility. What gives you career satisfaction in each of these areas? Which areas are of top priority, which are unimportant, which are you indifferent to? Through this you can identify IT jobs and computing environments that interest you. And getting answers isn’t like instant coffee.
Getting answers may not be immediate. Answers may also not be obvious. Use reliable resources available to help you learn more about your areas of interest. You may have to dig deep and be resourceful. Ask questions, talk to people in the field, network and attend professional and career forums.
It helps to state your goals in black and white. You may need to write down your professional short- and long-term goals. Be descriptive and edit them over and over until you are sure these goals are what you desire.
A valuable career self-assessment is one that is honest. Lying to yourself will not help. Also you need to drop the get-rich-quick mentality. Approach your IT Career like a marathon, not a short sprint. Be Wise. If immediate results are what you are after, then the IT field might not be for you.
Be realistic in your expectations. Fulfillment is a function of expectations. Don’t copy others. Don’t run with the goals of other people. Too many people set goals and take jobs not because they really want them but because they believe that’s what others expect of them. They want to be part of the in-crowd. Whose plan is it, anyway? Career planning is very much about choosing the direction that you want to take in your life. You must own your plan, you must own your goals. Understand, and be happy, with what you want to do.
Situation assessment
Next you need to do what I would call a career situation assessment. What is your current career situation? You know where you want to get to, but how near or far are you? What stage are you at in your career? What is your current situation with respect to your work or profession? Are you in a job that will take you to your ideal situation?
If you are out of work, what is your background? Are you self-employed? Or are you a student? Again you must use the criteria you used for your career self-assessment to assess your current career status.
Are you currently meeting your expectations in terms of Nature of work, Security, Income (Salary and benefits), Personal / Family life, Opportunities for growth, Responsibility, etc? This involves assessing your current skills and experience to identify what you must learn, or experience you need to acquire to excel. What practical knowledge do you have? What are your academic qualifications? Do you have a sound technical background? How relevant are your present skills and experience to your goals? Where are you in relation to where you want to go?
Which areas require improvement? Since you know your career goals it should be easy for you to identify your career gaps.
IT Professions and Career profile
I done some research of different IT Professions and career profile for me to able identify and indicate the area or field that suites me.
The IT industry offers a wide range of positions that vary in their requirements and expectations. To start an IT career, I should have a reasonable idea of the requirements of the area of my interest.
The following are the different IT Professions and Career profile.
The Engineering profession is one of the oldest in IT. Engineering specifically has to do with designing and supporting Computer Hardware. Computer hardware covers a wide range including: Computer Monitors, printers, scanners, keyboards, Multimedia. Engineering is not limited to the PC world. Minicomputers and Mainframe computers are included too. Furthermore, in the IT environment, engineering equipment includes Power Protection equipment such as Stabilizers, Surge protectors and Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS).
The Engineer designs the different parts that make up the computer equipment. Design is the major function of the Engineer - design of microprocessors, integrated circuits and circuit boards used in computer equipment. Design is complex, challenging and definitely intellectually stimulating. It is for the creative minded. The creative ability must usually be complemented by research and study efforts. It is the design aspect of engineering along with research that accounts for most of the innovations and new products in Hardware technology. Design requires a solid intellectual background, logical thinking, attention to detail and the ability to focus for long periods.
Another important function of the Engineer is Technical Support. Common titles of Tech Support personnel include: Technical Support Representative, Systems Engineer, Customer Service Representative, Help Desk Support, PC Support Specialist, PC Maintenance Professional, Sales Support Technician, Maintenance Engineer.
Technical support involves the installation, configuration, maintenance and troubleshooting of computers and related equipment. To effectively carry out preventive and curative measures, logical skills and a real understanding of how the equipment works will come into play here.
It involves a fair amount of human interaction. Tech support therefore requires patience, as well as problem-solving and strong communication skills.
Software professionals develop software that drives the hardware. Popular titles are Programmer, Systems analyst or System Developer. These individuals create, manage and maintain software programs. To create such programs you need to learn and master the art using programming languages (code). Popular programming languages are Visual Basic, C++ and Java. It involves gathering requirements, coding and testing.
Programmers create software products based on identified market needs, and or specific user requirements. This allows a lot of room for creative ability and innovative thinking while working to specifications and standards. In performing systems analysis, you interact with users, observe their workflow and attempt to create models that will satisfy the user. It means a certain degree of conceptualization is required. To give the user what the user wants, the analyst must know the working requirements of the user, sometimes to the minute details. You need to love paying attention to details.
Analysts in some organizations may not necessarily start out with a computing background. Often people bring their previous job experience to work with the programming team in understanding user requirements. A programmer may be involved in analysis, or may strictly focus on programming, or both. This depends entirely on the working environment.
Programming, just like engineering design requires logical thinking, attention to detail and the ability to focus for long periods. Although programming routines tend to be more predictable than jobs with a fair amount of troubleshooting, it can be quite intensive with regard to self-development. You must be ready to keep learning programming languages/tools/updates because of continuous enhancements in the way programs are written.
With the growth of the Internet, driven primarily by the merging of Communications and Computers, there is a growing demand for individuals skilled in the technical aspects of this unique convergence. Networking is an area of IT that is developing rapidly, especially with new developments in wireless and mobile computing. No wonder the fastest growing sector in IT now is that of Wireless networking.
Networking encompasses Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) and Internet. Networking facilitates communications and the sharing of resources using IT. Just like the Engineer, the Network Engineer is involved in the design, maintenance and troubleshooting of all aspects of the Network environment - Network equipment, the physical Network, Network connections, Network management and Network Software. Popular Networking names and products include Microsoft Windows, Novell Netware, Banyan, US Robotics, Appletalk, Cisco, Agere, Orinoco, 3COM and Linux.
The Network professional not only deploys networks but must also ensure reliability and consistency of the network by handling problems efficiently, and reducing the risk of network failure. You're also expected to keep abreast of the latest in computers and network technology. The job can therefore be quite demanding as you should not only be flexible enough to provide service at any time, but as a network professional you should be expect to work long hours, weekends inclusive. This is a good position for those with problem-solving and analytical thinking skills.
Research and Development is about carrying out scientific and technological investigations that contribute to knowledge for the benefit of society. Design is closely related to Engineering design mentioned earlier. However, research here is not limited to the engineering aspect of IT. Discoveries based on research are useful in virtually all spheres of human endeavour. Research in IT could be useful for mass production of scarce drugs, assisting in finding cures for diseases, Telecommunications, business optimization, Oil, Sports, etc. Today’s modern tools, which are now valuable everywhere are the results of years of research.
Research can be extremely satisfying for those who want to “create” or contribute to, knowledge. But a researcher must be extremely dedicated and persistent. Research can be very challenging, as results don’t usually come fast. It isn’t for “rapid results” people. Research requires patience and focus. A researcher must always realize that research is not an end in itself. Research must be of value to the society. Research obviously requires a solid intellectual background.
Most researchers are also Academics. Academics are involved in teaching and assessing students in all fields of IT. The academic is usually the first expert, aspiring professionals will encounter as they begin their career. Research can be flexible, and could be combined with office, business or industrial work. Obviously, the Researcher must enjoy studying, learning, testing and experimentation.
In the digital world we all depend on databases for vital information. Popular database products are Oracle, Microsoft’s SQL Server, IBM’s DB2 and Sybase. Database experts make sure that these databases are secure, robust and functional for effective business performance.
The role a database administrator (DBA) plays is essential and can be quite complex. DBAs maintain the information the company needs to carry out its business and be successful. DBAs are responsible for setting up and maintaining corporate databases. It is the DBA’s duty to ensure availability, backup, security and efficiency of the database.
Common tasks of the DBA include report generation, backup management, security management, and performance monitoring and tuning. A Database administrator is more of a data facilitator – making sure data is secure, available and is used productively.
Do you love responsibility, planning and attention to detail? Maybe you should consider becoming a DBA. Database administration requires planning and organizational skills as well as a programming background.
Software professionals develop software that drives the hardware. Popular titles are Programmer, Systems analyst or System Developer. These individuals create, manage and maintain software programs. To create such programs you need to learn and master the art using programming languages (code). Popular programming languages are Visual Basic, C++ and Java. It involves gathering requirements, coding and testing.
Programmers create software products based on identified market needs, and or specific user requirements. This allows a lot of room for creative ability and innovative thinking while working to specifications and standards. In performing systems analysis, you interact with users, observe their workflow and attempt to create models that will satisfy the user. It means a certain degree of conceptualization is required. To give the user what the user wants, the analyst must know the working requirements of the user, sometimes to the minute details. You need to love paying attention to details.
Analysts in some organizations may not necessarily start out with a computing background. Often people bring their previous job experience to work with the programming team in understanding user requirements. A programmer may be involved in analysis, or may strictly focus on programming, or both. This depends entirely on the working environment.
Programming, just like engineering design requires logical thinking, attention to detail and the ability to focus for long periods. Although programming routines tend to be more predictable than jobs with a fair amount of troubleshooting, it can be quite intensive with regard to self-development. You must be ready to keep learning programming languages/tools/updates because of continuous enhancements in the way programs are written.
With the growth of the Internet, driven primarily by the merging of Communications and Computers, there is a growing demand for individuals skilled in the technical aspects of this unique convergence. Networking is an area of IT that is developing rapidly, especially with new developments in wireless and mobile computing. No wonder the fastest growing sector in IT now is that of Wireless networking.
Networking encompasses Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN) and Internet. Networking facilitates communications and the sharing of resources using IT. Just like the Engineer, the Network Engineer is involved in the design, maintenance and troubleshooting of all aspects of the Network environment - Network equipment, the physical Network, Network connections, Network management and Network Software. Popular Networking names and products include Microsoft Windows, Novell Netware, Banyan, US Robotics, Appletalk, Cisco, Agere, Orinoco, 3COM and Linux.
The Network professional not only deploys networks but must also ensure reliability and consistency of the network by handling problems efficiently, and reducing the risk of network failure. You're also expected to keep abreast of the latest in computers and network technology. The job can therefore be quite demanding as you should not only be flexible enough to provide service at any time, but as a network professional you should be expect to work long hours, weekends inclusive. This is a good position for those with problem-solving and analytical thinking skills.
Research and Development is about carrying out scientific and technological investigations that contribute to knowledge for the benefit of society. Design is closely related to Engineering design mentioned earlier. However, research here is not limited to the engineering aspect of IT. Discoveries based on research are useful in virtually all spheres of human endeavour. Research in IT could be useful for mass production of scarce drugs, assisting in finding cures for diseases, Telecommunications, business optimization, Oil, Sports, etc. Today’s modern tools, which are now valuable everywhere are the results of years of research.
Research can be extremely satisfying for those who want to “create” or contribute to, knowledge. But a researcher must be extremely dedicated and persistent. Research can be very challenging, as results don’t usually come fast. It isn’t for “rapid results” people. Research requires patience and focus. A researcher must always realize that research is not an end in itself. Research must be of value to the society. Research obviously requires a solid intellectual background.
Most researchers are also Academics. Academics are involved in teaching and assessing students in all fields of IT. The academic is usually the first expert, aspiring professionals will encounter as they begin their career. Research can be flexible, and could be combined with office, business or industrial work. Obviously, the Researcher must enjoy studying, learning, testing and experimentation.
In the digital world we all depend on databases for vital information. Popular database products are Oracle, Microsoft’s SQL Server, IBM’s DB2 and Sybase. Database experts make sure that these databases are secure, robust and functional for effective business performance.
The role a database administrator (DBA) plays is essential and can be quite complex. DBAs maintain the information the company needs to carry out its business and be successful. DBAs are responsible for setting up and maintaining corporate databases. It is the DBA’s duty to ensure availability, backup, security and efficiency of the database.
Common tasks of the DBA include report generation, backup management, security management, and performance monitoring and tuning. A Database administrator is more of a data facilitator – making sure data is secure, available and is used productively.
Do you love responsibility, planning and attention to detail? Maybe you should consider becoming a DBA. Database administration requires planning and organizational skills as well as a programming background.
Web sites are coming up all the time all over the world. Web professionals develop and maintain web pages and web sites on the Internet. Internet design and development is a combination of two skill sets: Programming as well as art/graphic design. Web development can be regarded as a special form of programming. Web developers are involved in creating models, graphic designs, web page designs, testing and troubleshooting.
Popular Web development tools include HTML, Macromedia’s Dreamweaver and Microsoft’s Frontpage.
Web development requires creativity and attention to detail. Although programming skills are important, it is also vital that the Web developer has a flair for presentation and aesthetics. Web development in addition involves a fair amount of testing and problem solving.
With the enumerated career in an IT arena, I am able to have some overview IT professions. As you can see, in an IT world there really are wide varieties of positions available to us. But, it up to me to find a ---category of work that fits on my background, passion and personality.
According to my research that choosing a career path is not all that you need to succeed in IT. Attitude, knowledge and experience are all key success factors.
While there are opportunities in all areas of IT, Technical support is usually regarded as the best area for a beginner to gain a good working knowledge of the basics of the IT profession. Hands-on experience gained especially in the area of problem solving is invaluable for starting an IT Career. PCs can be seen in every sphere of life now. What this means is that it is easier for a newcomer in tech support to get experience and get a foot in the door, as opportunities are virtually limitless. This is quite unlike a newcomer with skills in more complex applications that are not commonplace.
In making decision in choosing a career in Information Technology I have here some tips help me out to choose. This will give me a better view of what I need to consider in making a career choice in IT.
10 Tips for making a Career Choice in IT
Considering a career in Information Technology (IT) - beginner, fresh graduate, enthusiast or career changer? What is your reason for choosing a career in IT? Your motive may differ from mine, but does it make sense? Not all reasons people give for wanting to go into IT are reasonable. It is always in your interest to make your career choice for the right reasons.
Here are some suggestions of what you should consider in making a career choice in IT.
1. There is financial reward in IT but don’t choose your career simply for the money. IT is financially rewarding when you choose the right field, make sensible career choices and work hard. Although the economic factor must come into play when making a career decision, it shouldn’t be the sole determining factor.
2. Avoid the “bandwagon effect”. Don’t jump on anybody’s bandwagon. What is good for Lagbaja may not be good for Tamedun. For some it has been described as the “Feel Good, Rave of the moment or Go with the flow” factor. Everybody seems to rush for the hot career choices.
3. With specific reference to IT, don’t jump on IT because IT is the in thing. There is no doubt that the scope of IT is quite wide. In a world ruled by fads and trends, IT may be the “reigning champion”, but the significance of IT is more than that – IT adds value. Do you really appreciate the power of IT or are you simply pursuing the latest craze?
4. First and foremost, you must answer the “Who Am I” question. Understand yourself. Sincere self-evaluation is a necessity for quality career management. Knowing who you are helps you in determining what you want and don't want in a career, and in providing career direction.
5. With specific reference to IT, what is your interest? Do you want to create, provide or use IT, or create with IT? Are you the sort of person who wants to know how IT itself works, i.e. the inner workings and how you can be an IT creator, or you are more interested in how to get results using IT?
6. You desire an IT career because IT is not boring. Note that we perceive things differently - what may be fun to you may be boring to me. This has to do a lot with your perspective, your values. Does the idea of an IT career appeal to you? Many come into IT because of the stimulating opportunities and rewards.
7. Do you want to work in IT because it is a well-respected profession? The IT profession is respected globally because of the impact Information Technology (IT) has on society. It is certainly a field where if you make the right impact you can get the respect you deserve.
8. The sheer diversity is what attracts many to IT. The diverse nature of IT offers many professionals the opportunity to work in different areas over time, and sometimes even on an ongoing basis.
9. IT is a field that emphasizes knowledge and contribution. Individuals in IT need knowledge and skills as noted previously in (3).Do you want the power of knowledge? Do you enjoy and hunger to learn new things?
10. It should be obvious that your passion is key. You need to have a huge passion for IT and how it works. Be honest and sincere with yourself: how passionate and committed are you to a career in IT?
But before anything else I first plan to finish my college and be able to proceed on a field that suites me.
What are your strategies to get there?
“A dream without a plan is a nightmare".
Make a career planning.
Planning helps me focusing and organizing myself. Get my priorities right. Sometimes we do things right but focus helps me to do the right thing. With this I need to do is to develop a step-by-step plan. This will make me do everything as organize. The essence of a career plan is in knowing what you want and determining how to get it.
Consider the challenges and obstacles that I might encounter.
The road might be thorny and rocky. Nobody said it would be easy. Don’t avoid challenges. Some roadblocks could actually be opportunities in disguise. Attitude is key when challenges come to our way. A strong Why will carry you through such situations. But which other resources can you muster to overcome each obstacle?
Identify the time to achieve my goals.
Time to achieve my goals is a serious issue that I must consider. I need this to have a means of measuring my progress. Like what happen right now, I am here in college for five years in which I never planned but because I had not make some plan before my college this is the result.
Decide on the step-by-step process.
I must also decide on everything on a step-by-step process to achieve my ultimate career goal.
I should do other things that will still assist me in moving forward. And keep on doing things that contribute positively to my growth. Be creative and display initiative. Invest in other useful areas and be creative. But make sure I should focus on things that matter.
Motive my self.
In everything I do for me to achieve it I need to do some motivation. I should think why I need to reach my goals. To whom I dedicate my all achievement.
Have Faith.
With the great faith and belief to our Creator, this will make me more strong for what ever comes to my way to attain all my dreams.
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